lundi 21 mai 2012

Fleurs des champs

Pour ce tableau tout en hauteur, les marguerites ont rejoint les boutons d'or,

Marguerites et boutons d'or
30 x 90 cm, 12 x 36"


4 commentaires:

  1. Evelyn, Hi! I miss you!! This is a wonderful painting. I love yellow and I love wildflowers!!

  2. This is really lovely ! I have been following your work on DPW and Fresh Paint Daily Painters and will now be a follower here on your blog. I look forward to your new posts!

  3. Hello Evhe:) I think this is one of your best paintings so far! A beautiful composition with nice fresh colors. I do like the shadows on the background. Very nice job!

  4. Thank you so much for your nice comments...:) you know how it is an encouragement!
    Janet, we are sharing love for little flowers... :) thanks Carol for joining my followers, very honored, Renate, wouahhh! Youpi!
