lundi 9 janvier 2012

Les macarons empilés

sur une assiette, juste pour continuer à jouer avec les couleurs, et les fonds clairs :)

Les macarons empilés, huile sur medium, 15 x 15 x 0.5 cm

- Vendu -

4 commentaires:

  1. Hello Evhe, can you tell me if you received two mails from me on your challengesite? I noticed my painting was not shown? (challenge #22). If I did something wrong pleas tell me!

  2. Hi Renate, no, I did not receive your mail, do not know why, I take it from your blog :)

  3. Thank you Evhe! Very strange? I'll keep it in mind for the next time!:)

  4. perhaps the photo was too "heavy" for my mail box?
