jeudi 29 décembre 2011

Les lumières de Noël

brillent encore dans la nuit à l'entrée de mon hameau, pour quelques jours... La neige, elle,  a fondu.

Le sapin de Saint léon
Huile sur medium, 20 x 26.5 x 1 cm

En vente au prix de 55 euros, + frais d'envoi, s'adresser à

Bienvenue à Azra qui rejoint les lecteurs de mon blog :)

4 commentaires:

  1. Such wonderful colors, such a wonderful glow! Perfect for a Christmas tree.

  2. Magnifique, l'ambiance y est vraiment !

  3. Hi Evhe, I love this painting. Thank you for considering me in the competition. Many years ago my father planted a small blue fir tree in the garden to please my mother. Blue firs saplings were very expensive and so he could only afford a very small one. Over the years it grew and grew and was well over 20 feet high when we had to sell the house on his death. It is still growing. This painting reminds me so much of my father and his love for my mother.
